Brad’s Blog

 The Dance 

The prophet Zephania reveals that God “exults” over us with singing.  Some translate the word “exult” as “dance”.  There have been a number of contemporary worhsip songs that run with the idea that God “dances” over us.  It is a beautiful image of joy in the Lord’s heart toward His people.   Some also express the thought of God dancing with us, His bride, the church.  This image is particularly beautiful to me and causes me to reflect a bit on what that interaction involves.  For any couple to dance together, there has to be clarity regarding who is leading.  Unison movement happens with grace and beauty when the partner who is following is attentive to the subtle cues that the leader gives and simply follows.  This type of partnership is synergistic and is able to move with grace and freedom that is not only expressive, but invigorating.  I believe that is the type of relationship  that God desires with us as both His collective body and as indivduals.  Oh that we would be so respoonsive to His subtle cues and follow Him perfectly as He leads that our movement with Him would be absolute unison and reflect a the glorious oneness that Jesus asked His Father for; “…that they be one even as we are one…” John 17:11.  This submission to God’s authority, His leadership, brings invigorating freedom and joy.  I believe it is what Jesus truly desires of us.  I want to be a partner that God loves to dance with because I follow well. 

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